Self-Managed Super Fund or SMSF helps in increasing retirement savings. It can only be used to increase your retirement savings. With such great benefits, is now offering SMSF loans for the needy.
We have been serving in this industry for years with a good record of customers who have achieved great financial outcomes. We understand the SMSF requirements in detail and can assist in all facets of the SMSF.
– LIMITED Recourse Borrowing Arrangement Loan:
SMSF Borrows the funds to complete property purchase and the property is held in the Bare/custodian trust for asset protection, once the loans are paid off the asset is transferred to SMSF.
This structure is recommended by ATO and safeguards other assets held in the superfund and interests of its members.
– Unit trust investment structure
This structure is mainly used by Investors taking certain units as investment by the SMSF to further their retirement returns.
– Related party loans
This structure is set up by your accountants to help members who have sufficient means through personal finances to complete investments for SMSF and lending to SMSF personally as related parties to the SMSF.
We have the industry knowledge and contacts to make the process seamless.
Case Study:

“We recently helped client set-up and purchase a commercial property in SMSF under LRBA arrangement and got funding through our panel of lenders within 4 weeks which directed their rental expense to retirement saving and owning the factory”

For all inquiries,
please call or email:
Abhi Bathla
Finance Consultant
U5/ 100 Railway Parade, Pascoe Vale Victoria 3044
0422 200 237
This page provides general information only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and your full financial situation will need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product. Subject to lenders terms and conditions, fees and charges and eligibility criteria apply.